Delight In Every Detail: Angeled Eggs & Bunny Blessings. Displays a heartfelt message on top! Contents not included. Rejoice In The Little Things Pedestal Plate Serve delicious treats as you and your loved ones rejoice in all things Easter around the dinner table. This plate is perfect for desserts or appetizers. Ceramic. 11" dia. x 6"H. Hand wash only. 192401 | $51.00 $17.50 NEW Angeled Eggs Easter Bunny Shakers A pair of angeled egg salt and pepper shakers are all decked out for Easter, with no deviled eggs in sight, to add whimsy to any Easter table. Ceramic. 3.5"H. Hand wash only. 242414 | $15.00 Angeled Eggs Platter Uniquely designed, this platter has 12 angelic, chick-shaped indents for your hard-boiled delicacies that ensures deviled eggs will be served at every gathering! Ceramic. 10" dia., Hand wash only. 242418 | $25.00 Back by popular demand! 8 | 866.336.2554